The goal and way of writing

Categories: Study Notes
Tags: Study note English Writing
(Eng) The Goal and way of writing
The method is very old. We all get lessons about it but we don't pay enough attention because writing is a boring activity for children. So we grow up without improving this skill enough. After some years of experience in business and also communication paths in daily life we understand how important is the usage of language and richness in vocabulary. Now we all know that communication skills and consistency are the most important skills in life. So, we need to improve ourselves in these skills. According to Jordan Peterson, we need to write more and more to use the language more effectively and order our ideas to think more clearly and properly. By that time I have been thinking about consistency and effective ways of getting this skill. By getting an impression from the homework the teacher gave us and suggesting to do more, I decided to write consistently, almost every day. These two activities will be a perfect fit for lots of problems especially are related to personal identification, communication, and expression. The way of doing this is by defining 10 random words and using 6 of them in a context. Cooperation by others will make it more interesting, interactive, and also more effective. Because seeing others' writings about the same words will improve our creativity and our own writing. The rhythm we have and keep for that habit will define our progress. When we execute this plan well we will get lifelong durable and very important skills. Otherwise, we will be in the case of resigning ourselves to the lives we don't like because of weak character and personality.
- identification
- resign
- cooperation
- amputate
- diamond
- rhythm
- bed
- fit
- execute
- rugby