Jose mujica

2 min 246 words
ilhan Ben Martin Placeholder text describing the default author's avatar.

(Eng) Jose Mujica

This page was about money and spending. We all know some super rich people and how much they spend for their basics and luxuries. It is so simple to spend when we give someone lots of money. Having parties, buying lots of stuff. But what about Jose and Seneca. Seneca sold furniture in palace to pay dept, Jose donated 90 percent of his money with his car to charity. I met him once in Istanbul, and i will never forget him. He is a real person with great pain and still good. Spend years in prison, spend almost all he has for country. He knows that is real in this life. Real thing is how you feel. Not spending and buying. You can not buy yourself. You need to create.

Next page says you are the material for your work. Life all professions, worker has metarial to work on and create great products. Professionals spend lots of time and effort for training and getting master of their field. Like tennis players, metarial is body and game. They practice to get perfect in it. Or like engineers they need to learn system design and development with all details and innovation methods. What about us? What about our life and its raw metarial: our mind. We have develop an approach to master our mind. We have to spend most time and effort on it. On profession of life. To be good in our life.