
2 min 249 words
ilhan Ben Martin Placeholder text describing the default author's avatar.

(Eng) Character

Today, i didn't want to write, i was angry again, miserable again. I don't want to write it down here but you know we can't pick our family and we can't throw it away. I think i have to do it but i am still stupid. I am still not powerful to reject that mass and damage. What kind of idiot am i? I tried to stay away and leave alone then i did. But they still can reach me. They still can mass up with my life, my mind, my progress. They steal all i have. All energy, all time, all money, all hope, all life.

I decided to cut all connection with this problem. I did it now in my mind. It is clear. I will never let it destroy my mood and flow. I will save myself.

I lost control and grabed it now. And will never let it slip away. It is mine and now i want to write from book i read. The page i read has a great title:

Make character your loudest statement.

It is super clear. And i am lucky that i know the feeling. I know having a character speaking for you. Having people know you by your character. It speaks them, it speaks in everywhere, before you speak, without your speaking, without your existance. It always speaks. It has no border, no time. And it is loudest. There is nothing can speak better than your character.