Better alter

Categories: Inferences
(Eng) Better alter
When someone shows we are wrong that means there is a better alternative. Being wrong is nice to discover. Being consistent forever is something stupid. Yes we don't like being wrong. But we are already wrong. We were always wrong. We never learn the truth. There is no single truth.
Everything we see and understand comes with our background, experience and knowledge in topic. When we start there was none. They put some ideas as default. Then we create life over it. But, who has a correct base to establish a life over it. Nobody! None of us can live a life itself. All is heritage. All is poisoned. All failures we have actually is nice to have to demolish and have a better alternative.
Up to where? I don't know. We can not remove all life from our brain, it is not changing too much. It has alredy fixed in most fields of life. There just a little we can touch. Nice to see we still can. Nice to feel fresh air coming in.