Lots of goods

Categories: Inferences
(Eng) Lots of goods
People, people, people.. Annoying level of push. They value lots of things and apply pressure to me to give value, to count things good and chase. They even don't know who they are, what they want. They just show each other, push each other. Then all becomes same, chasing same experiences, same things, getting joy from same things, liking same things, hating same things. What a ugly society! Who knows themselves truely? Who knows their true approach? One example is travelling. Why everbody loves travelling. Why they travel to same location next to each other? How can everybody love same thing? How can it be possible. Don't you think it is a trap by media to drive economy?
Experiences, all are different. But name is same, show is same. Value is already given. And by all. I don't know how they jump in same thing. Established in many years, from childhood; then you will never discover that why you fall in love. Is it love?