
2 min 201 words
ilhan Ben Martin Placeholder text describing the default author's avatar.

(Eng) Cost

The cost i am paying ennoys me. Almost every day i get angry for it. It is totally unfair i think. But stoics says problem is me. Because everything has a cost in life. Every thing, every event, even being alive has cost. I can wait for a fair cost but why? Why should i create expectations from life and its people. I know it's full of garbage. What kind of rule and system is going to give me my share and a fair cost for this life. Nobody can do that. It will always be chaos, random output, random people, random ideas. There is no point for being angry, it is so stupid. It is so stupid to get angry for a stupid life. There is no rule, no system to give a fair share. What kind of mindset drives you to have some expectations. I had removed expectations by focusing on my job. Now i don't have job and focus is going to be shifted to random stuff. I need to focus on something like study, gym, reading, to keep me out of expectations trap. I need to work, study and stay busy. It is great.