
1 min 168 words
ilhan Ben Martin Placeholder text describing the default author's avatar.

(Eng) Objective

The problem is objective. The perception we have. Life, events itself are just things around. They are objective. They just happen. The issues comes with us, our judgement, our havy loaded feelings, expectations. We put the problem to things which are just there. And most of them are not from us, not to us, not related with us. We load them with our feelings, ideas. Leave them as they are. Consume events as they are, not mixed with feelings and weak points.

Another problem that causes being stuck is not being humble. Not listening, not trying to learn. We can not learn without listening and proper approach. Even the most simple person may have a point which can improve our life. Can add a window to see things different, more clear, more fun, more and more. Try to listen. Most people have different ideas than yours. And different is better for a brain wants to innovate life. Not being stuck with same ideas, same feelings.