Stoic-38 Fear

1 min 169 words
ilhan Ben Martin Placeholder text describing the default author's avatar.

(Eng) Stoic-38 Fear

Seneca says fear will destroy us and has potential to destroy everyting. Many great, powerful, succesful, smart people has destroyed all they have by fear. Thsy killed, betrayed their people because they had a terrible fear and were stuck with their idea. When you have just one idea in your brain every time you think about it you make it stronger. Because you don't have counter ideas in your brain to create a balance and variety. If you are stuck with your fear and always think about it, it will grow and eat everything by starting from you. Like fear other extensive feelings and ideas has also no point. They just make the feeling bigger up to a point you can not handle. Sadness, regret, cry, anger all can reach great levels and block everything. Reaching high levels in these feelings will not help. You need to be aware and ask you that when you reach this point. Is this going to make better?